Project Creation
npm create astro@latest -- --template psephopaiktes/astro-i18n-starter
1. Configure /src/locales.ts
First, update the language settings file.
Set the default locale in DEFAULT_LOCALE_SETTING
and the list of desired locales in LOCALES_SETTING
. This follows the Starlight configuration.
// Set your site's default locale.
export const DEFAULT_LOCALE_SETTING: string = "en";
export const LOCALES_SETTING: LocaleSetting = {
// Add or remove support locales.
en: {
label: "English",
lang: "en-US", // optional
de: {
label: "Deutsch",
lang: "de-DE"
Please refer to the following link for information on language codes.
2. Configure astro.config.mjs
Set your URL in site
import mdx from '@astrojs/mdx';
import sitemap from '@astrojs/sitemap';
import { defineConfig } from 'astro/config';
import { DEFAULT_LOCALE_SETTING, LOCALES_SETTING } from './src/locales';
export default defineConfig({
- site: '',
+ site: '',
i18n: {
locales: Object.keys(LOCALES_SETTING),
routing: {
prefixDefaultLocale: true,
redirectToDefaultLocale: false,
Please refer to the official documentation for detailed configuration options for Astro.
note: Changing the settings of prefixDefaultLocale
and redirectToDefaultLocale
is not recommended. AsyncMind manages the redirect process with client-side JavaScript. If the URL does not contain a locale, it will redirect to the default locale. For example, /setup/
will be redirected to /en/setup/
Project Structure
Follows the Astro project structure.
├── assets/
│ └── en/, ja/ ...
├── blog/
│ └── en/, ja/ ...
├── components/
│ └── i18n/
├── layouts/
├── pages/
│ ├── [lang]/
│ ├── en/, ja/ ...
│ ├── 404.astro
│ └── index.astro
├── styles/
├── content.config.ts
├── consts.ts
├── i18n.ts
└── locales.ts
Directory for UI components used in multilingual websites.
- The files under
generate HTML files for each locale dynamically from a single.astro
file. - You can also generate HTML files for each language from folders like
, etc.
File for constant data that can be imported and used within the project. It can also be omitted if not needed.
File containing definitions of functions used in AsyncMind. There is generally no need to edit this file.